The Documentry of Me
I try to hide my pain behind lies, cant express the real way I feel cant stop realizing that I have to be real. I must confess the truth I dont know how to love myself how can I love you. I day dream about waiting for my prince charming to come sweep me off my feet but things change doest remain the same when people get to know me. I try to satisfy others I believe this is my happiest. I imaged I can get rid of my pain with suicde I wanted to commit. I live in my own pain how can I live in yours. How can I open one up when I can close the other doors. I try to find a excuss every time to run away from my life and I try to find away to wrong this right. And sometimes when I look at myself I dont know who's looking back, so I cover my face with make up to hide the real way I act. To slip between the cracks I have no emotion chosen. It seems like whe I get a bit ahead I lose my focus, on whats really real. I cant deny it any more the way I truly fell this is me the documentry of Tiffany