The Dream
In 1963, Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.
What he asked for should not have been a far reach.
Dr. King was rather unique
And boy did he like to speak
He spoke on equality and racism
And spread his message through activism
He was one of the most prominent activists during the Civil Rights Movement.
He was hoping for enlightenment
He led nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience
Based on his years of experience
Dr. King was against discrimination and Jim Crow laws
They didn’t align with his cause
For this, the FBI deemed him a radical
That just wasn’t practical
He won a Nobel Peace Prize for combatting racial inequality
A major step for civil rights in American polity
In 1968, Martin Luther King met his demise
His assassination led some to theorize
Would he be surprised to how little we have come
Or would he be thankful for improving equality some