Love Poem: The Drops of Nature
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Written by: Nassira Merahi

The Drops of Nature

The drops of nature

Nature is beautiful, powerful, logical…
Give 1 drop of kindness…
It would end up domestical.

Nature is glamorous, fabulous, adventurous…
Give 2 drops of awareness…
It would turn affectuous.

Nature is inspiring, adorning, breathtaking…
Give 3 drops of love…
Its roots will then start burgeoning.

Nature is sweet, complete, discreet…
Give 4 drops of respect…
Its favors in return, no mortal can beat.

Nature is elegant, acceptant, conservant…
Give 5 drops of humbleness
Its response would be nurturant.

And we can keep on adding drops…
Of excellent qualities….
Nature has fields full of crops…
And oceans of bounties.