The Drowning Love
It feels like I am drowning, when you are around, under the deep, murky water.
Someone is above the surface, trying to reach me. Holding his hand out, saying
come to me. Let me rescue you from this watery grave of unquenched love. I
want to go to him,my new lover. I want to fully give him my heart. I am confused,
and scared. The confussion is you, showing up at my door , one snowy night. Not
knowing your true purpose of being here, it is the what and why. What do you
want from me, and why? Scared to let my heart feel again. To let love flow freely
from my heart. To fall in love with my lover. After loving you, the pain hurt to much.
You damaged what I gave you so freely. I guess I should tell my lover to move on,
to find someone new. I can't give him the love in my heart. I can't and won't let my
heart feel the pain, from the hurt of love. I am considered damage goods. Why
would any man want a woman, that is damaged goods? You must go, be gone
from my world, let me move on with my lover. Let me be with someone that is
worthy of me. The only way my heart will mend is if you are gone from my sight,
and mind. Only to be distant friends.