The Dry, Dry Shoreline
She watches from her vantage point;
A rickety rocker in a second-story bedroom
Her gaze drifts to the shifting sands,
Once alive with strangers and friends,
Years barren and wasting as the ache in her hands
Her sullen silence a self-imposed isolation
In her empty kingdom of the sea
Sands dancing gainfully
Right where water used to be
Driving through the rusted boat husks
Rising, falling, swirling like what's lost
In her mind she sees it again:
Sapphire canvas embed with shining diamonds
Lit like fire under the blazing sky
Intense as the depth in her one loves' eyes
All of the sea could fit inside
Its beauty may well have been written
Like a tattoo across his face
Beautiful pearl-smile like night and day;
On one side, stark and gleefully bright
On the other, tongued lies dark as night
In him, all her oceans did reside
Her world fit in those beautiful eyes,
It's no wonder her oceans are gone