Bobby comes home from work to screaming kids and a nagging wife; Feeling as if he hasn’t had a moment of peace in his entire life. Jackson comes home from work to a dark and empty house; Longing to fill the void of it all with offspring and a spouse. Betty changes a dirty diaper and wipes a running nose; The last time she pampered herself, only heaven knows. Janet fixes another meal made especially just for one; Wondering if her eligible days have all come and gone. Each of them looks deep inside not liking what they see; Convinced that everyone else in the world has a better reality. Bobby watches his kids score a goal and his wife fixes him supper; The pride he feels and love he shares works like a natural upper. Jackson relaxes with a good book and listens to his favorite musician; Comfortable with the freedom to do what he wants without any imposition. Betty gets a big hug and a kiss from kids who say they love her; The times she feels happiest is when she is helping out another. Janet shares time with wonderful friends without any sexual tension; And feels sorry for those unhappily married whose choices they often question. Each of them looks deep inside and are happy with their destination; Some days are good and some days are bad no matter our life situation.