The Duality of Silence
The duality of silence
Is quite a frightening beast
Someone said silence can be golden
Silence can mean peace
Silence can send a message
Silence can make your feelings clear
Sometimes silence screams so loud
Everything else in your life you cannot hear
Quiet Contentment
Being so comfortable you don't need to speak
Silence can mean you are in love
Lying with the person your soul does seek
Silence can mean you are not worth their words
It can cut and cause pain
I have used you up
From you there is nothing more for me to gain
A silent look
Can tell you more than a lifetime of words
Looking quietly at each other
Can be more beautiful than any speech you've ever heard
Silence can project anger
I have so much disdain for you
Daggers shot in your path
Leaves you hurt and wondering what to do
Silence can mean
I'm too hurt to talk
Or it can mean I love you
As you hold hands and silently walk
Don't leave a person in silence
Make sure your message is clear
Make sure your silence is loud enough
Silence so loud that the person can hear
So be careful with your silence
It can bring pleasure or pain
You are in charge of your silence
You are the one that gives silence its name