The Dusk of Life
The Dusk of Life
Dusk is the time of life that darkness comes in minds to play.
Memories of yesteryear start knocking at heart’s door.
Faith once challenged by youthful ways torments those who stray.
Hope recalls truths, childlike faith God loves forevermore.
The days of thickets and briers in life once seized its path.
And fantasies of perfect love failed to come to pass.
At times when evil contemplations eased boiling wrath,
Seething minds forgot Holy God and rolled downhill fast.
Evil tiptoed into souls that had lived righteously.
Sinful whirlwinds ripped their way and took life on a spin.
Victims too soon disengaged, lived sorrows frantically.
Souls roamed through the ills of life wearing a bitter grin.
Then all around, the eyes could see wickedness relay.
Winding trails off righteous paths disguised as true love born.
The sinking sands pulled faithful hands through unholy days.
Tortured faithlessness grew; scorn was relentlessly worn.
Come now, dusk for it is time to recollect, repent.
Memories of yesteryear know errors of those days.
Light beyond forgotten roads reflects words by God sent.
Faith once challenged by one's youth at last derides the stray.
Sorrows for the errant ways are placed before the Lord.
The Son of God sends down his love, now and evermore.
Perfections sought and choices changed thrive by Christ adored.
Forgiveness granted by the Lord brings man joy once more.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
December 24, 2009