The Eagle Cries
The night reveals the beauty of your love,
As senses fall, one by one, it’s you I see,
I am below and you – you are above,
A goddess taking all her want from me.
In your embrace you set my passions free,
Yet captive in the power of your eyes,
You hold me here, the place I yearn to be
Where my silent voice can ignite your sighs
Release your soul to fly the cosmic skies,
You gyrate round demanding even more,
As hunger calls clear as the eagle cries,
I know I’ve reached that sweetest, molten core
O love, sweet love, as you now take your need,
My vampyric hunger on you shall feed.
Form: Spenserian Sonnet
Structure: Written over 3 quatrains and a closing couplet
Meter: Consistent iambic pentameter or decasyllabic lines
Rhyme schema: abab bcbc cdcd ee