The Earth Is the Lord's
What good are my eyes if I can not find Him everywhere?
Everything that exists; man, nature and the angels, He has made!
How can I believe if I refuse to see?
God’s Heart of love dwells in all that is!
That man may realize, none stands alone
He gifted us with all and placed in our charge
So share your blessings with your brother today
For nothing we possess was gained by our strength
Soon, all will learn, the breath we breathe is not ours to keep!
God called you by name early this morning and bid you rise up from your sleep
For no other reasons are we here, but to worship and serve in His name
And to teach, to guide His children which are placed in our care
From that little one who waves at you at the end of your hectic day
Or whose beautiful smile melts your heart and brightens up your life
Can you not see, God within that smile as one life's purpose is being fulfilled?
We pray that each may strive to rise above each circumstance
And though we may fall, we can not stall, as there's still work to be done
The humble caterpillar spends a lifetime crawling in dirt
Yet, all the while its only focus is reaching for the skies
Come the day when he is weary and finds that he can do no more
With trust complete, it falls deep into sleep
Instinctively it knows that the morrow comes, bringing spirit anew
And from a caterpillar it morphs into this beautiful creature with wings!
Reminding us of our ressurection only if we believe!