The Elements For Our Survival
Our wonderful planet, for millions of years,
was never this inspiring and beautiful...
until God with His skilful, perfect hands
beautified it for the first human couple.
I dispise the whipping wind, somewhat michevious and insolent,
brushing my short and dry hair as if it wanted to rapture me,
when I stand on the top of a majestic mount as the Tibet...
haven't monks lived there for centuries and endured it like me?
Volcanos can be dangerous, but also make the soil fertile when they spout flames;
making lava flow downhill towards the turpid sea, and I could retrace history...
to experience the horror that all Pompeians felt when hot ashes fell on their city,
and without a way of escape, they asphyxiated and died in unimaginable ways.
How can we survive without water? Aren't waterfalls, springs and rivers
the source of our existence? Imagine this Earth resembling the Moon, where no life exists...
a desolate landscape made of craters and vallies so barren and arid.
We discovered it, but then we realized it was extremely unlivable, so we never returned.
I have amply explained the elements for our survival and co-esistence with Nature itself;
it's very important to be aware of them, although they can be as unpredictable as death.