The Enchanted Garden
By day she tends the enchanted garden,
As his spirit hovers near,
And once again her heart knows peace and love,
Instead of weariness or fear.
Wind and sun on her face,
Working in the rhythm of this place,
She creates their prayerful space,
A bridge for eternity to trace.
To heal herself and honor his life,
She inspires rich colors in stately rose blooms,
And plans even more, hoping there’s room,
Far from the outside world’s strife.
Birds, butterflies and bees gently pass her by.
Neighbors, that share life and her precious home,
Which love has built, where time stands still,
How she gains her strength, so shall never roam.
As she nightly passes out her garden gate,
His lamppost’s warm glow,
Falls softly on the roses below,
A beacon and a symbol of their time together, a memento.