Love Poem: The End of Today
Greg Slode Smith Avatar
Written by: Greg Slode Smith

The End of Today

New day ,new poem.lightly titled,The End of today:

the creeping stains topple the statue need not speak to see her sorrow to be unknown like a signless painting a markless cast impression of an unknown artist
ancient days hope and worship sunken from floods of freedom's wisest lessons of reason

life is a wheel advance forward at even pace to go beyond a fight to pick up the past
a search for answers through question, do you want to live ?
Is that a threat are you a passionate vegan?

The shark says it best, when he freaks you with his bite and says I will eat you
i got no chill for good will ,unless you're %#% up on pills
so i say eat or be eaten,cook from your heart ,know that life tastes good if you have the passion

People can fill your heart and empty it the next day,like a long drive after a payday
I yearn for trust,i beg to help.only there can be a cost and that cant befallen on the ears of must
give us this day our daily bread thanks for giving me a passion and then letting me throw it away
art is real,who are the people we all hear
what constitutes a zombie unreal
don't fall for your business to walk with these zombies unreal
i know if god then devil and if this Earth shall be end,man and all other words will to
not even the end will be known, all thousands of years,just to see tomorrow and what it reveals
so be like water, think like sand and breathe like your first breathe,conquer yourself,but leave me alone.