The Enemy
The Enemy may have won this round
But wait until the next one coming
I'll be able to attack furiously
With all my demons pushing me onward
The Enemy keeps making threats to me
But I’m certain I’ll be the top dog
Pride might be my strongest point
But I know how to get the humans
The Enemy is wiser than I gave Him credit
He knows the human’s hearts better
I have to go by their past sins and failures
Bringing them up to them to distract them
The Enemy has the opportunity to keep them
While I want to take them to hell with me
They mean delicious food for me and my own
But the enemy simply loves them unconditionally
The Enemy thinks the humans are worth it
But I know they aren’t worth more than me
They don’t deserve to go up to heaven with Him
To live in love, joy and peace forever and eternally
The Enemy never grows weary of saving them
And after death they merely move into His presence
While I need them to go with me to be eatables
Down there where the worst will be taken