Love Poem: The Erotic Passions of the Buddha
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Written by: Trevor Morse

The Erotic Passions of the Buddha

Hence, coming forth as 
vagabond gypsies, partaking
in the galliant rituals
of erotic fantasy.
Glimmering waves of bellowing
ecstasy rippled like a supernova.
The lovely ladies of ancient 
India began to dance exuberantly.
To Buddha's delight the beautiful
gypsies swayed with exotic
fashions.  Eyes sparkling like new
stars being born.  Buddha erupted
with a divine chant that 
mystified the faerie maidens
to a very high degree.
Undressing with such magical
finesse, it was as if instantly
the gypsies were naked for
their lover.  Together they played. . .
making the most sensual 
melodies of ecstatic bliss.
Their lovely bodies chimed 
as their lover climaxed 
like a titan of cosmic royalty.
As the eruption manifested
their spirits ricocheted like 
a  barrage of shooting stars
 towards the infinite pleasures of 