The Eve of Never New Years Eve Heartbreak
As the time winds down,
And the shots get more hectic,
My mind begins to scramble,
Now *****is getting skeptic,
At 5 I hear your voice,
I see your smile,
I feel your hate,
At 4 I feel Mary,
I feel Love,
But at it's fate,
At 3 I see you walking,
I see him walking,
I see the Eve,
At 2 I begin to set my mind up to believe,
At 1 all hope is lost and by then I can retrieve,
My thoughts and now I can fully receive,
The news but I ask why you had to deceive?
And now you have all of the eyes staring,
As your Infidelity begins to show,
And your conscious begins to scare,
Right around the same time that my heart stops to care,
And in the midst I'm left there,
In the air with no one to lend a comforting hand,
*****I got treated like a fan,
On the Eve of Never.....