Love Poem: The Evening
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Written by: Vijai Pant

The Evening

It was awaited with huge anticipation,
Yet fear lingered, a quiet hesitation.
Like a shadow she wanted to get rid,
A dark presence that never quite slid
Still 'the evening' seemed in a breathless rush,
To meet the night- all hush-hush.
Did the fiery orb appear a tad ashamed?
Or had its youthful vigour been tamed?
Whatever the cause, time held its sway,
Dragging minutes, yet stealing the day.
Perfect moments, perched on the brink,
For a love journey where two hearts would sink.
If it had to begin, it should begin soon 
Yesterday’s curse, replaced with today’s boon
Before the stars could claim the skies,
Her stars, too dear ever in her eyes.
She wished the furtive meeting done,
Emotions leashed, yet on the run.
He sat close, holding her hands
His gaze, his touch, asking her to make amends.
The sun had completely set, but for her, a dawn anew,
Seven years of stirrings now for this passionate brew.