Love Poem: The eyes and soul never lie
Lorenzo  Martinez  Avatar
Written by: Lorenzo Martinez

The eyes and soul never lie

When i look into another's eyes
I can see their soul 
All their worries 
All their troubles 
And all their pain 
Even all their scars 
It's a story that hasn't been shown or told truthfully
We can't hide from others seeing it
So we just hide our eyes
And not make eye contact 
But what good does it do
When someone can see through it all
No matter how hard you try to hide 
Should you look back at them
Or should you subside your true self from them 
As they continue to look at you 
Your mind goes into a vast pool of inquiry
As you ponder yourself 
With the thought of them staying or leaving once you look back and show vulnerability
As you continue to scurry away the closer they become 
With each step you take they're right there too inching closer than ever before 
They know how you feel
They know how you move 
They know how you cope 
They see what you want and need 
With every blink they understand your true desires 
With every breath they hear you speak
For that the eyes and soul never lie