The fable of the two snakes in the grass There were two snakes in the grass, buried in the pit of life, now bemoaning their past, with hisses, coils and strikes she constricts he restricts venom spewing out she thwarts his advances and he thwarts hers stubbornness seeding, in the pot of mystery In the rock bottom garden of life, ... there they were continuously watching their every movements like lovers but in this case like adversaries like snakes in the grass her eyes would pierce his his eyes would send chills down her back on and on, on and on these two battled battling night and day then one day and once upon a time story has it a huge earth quack hit it hit faith it hit destiny it hit the rock bottom garden pit sending the pair twirling around twirling around on top of each other like a washing machine and when the tremors stopped the cycle stopped the pair was still on top of each other their eyes soften their coats insulate the heat felt good they nudge closer together sniffing Heaven for once changing their venom to love being pregnant with happiness and soon a nest of little ones, too so cute that even the two snakes in the grass are beaming beaming a new found purpose in life olive branches of tremors, fate a fortuitous bounce connie pachecho 3/16/17