The Fabric of Me
We flow in undivided currents
There is no shore or bounds before us
The sea floor cries it's jealous torrent
To know such depth is an oceans warrant
Like a tapestry weaves for the eye a feast
It's combination of solitary threads
Your love has woven into my heart piece by piece
And now has surely become the essence
The very fabric of me
A perfect angel
Considering what perfection can be
Oh blissful agony on wings of fire ... You come
You are perfect for me
Illusion or final fusion
Such need impassioned and fierce
As you gave the rabbit chase ... Confusion
Her feet to the wall you pierced
Eternity upon our souls engraved
Which I gaze on so fondly day to day
Could it all change by the morrow
Like fairy-gifts fading away?
No, the heart that has truly loved never forgets
Truly it loves to the close
As the sunflower passionately turns on her God
The same look which she turned when He rose