The Fairies Cheered
The fairies dance, they await their Queen,
elves her company, Royal escorts.
In neighbouring shire, she was last seen,
since then no more news, no more reports.
Her task to find a new King, of sorts?
Fairies, never before have felt fear.
They dispatch pixies to distant courts.
Good news they await, and if, they'll cheer!
A week now past the fairies worried!
Spells won't work on their Royal Lady,
she protects herself, spells she curried.
Some in her court think that is shady,
even think their Queen, a touch crazy!
A week, +one day, an elf, drunk on beer,
he spoke one word then he died, "hazy".
Good news they await, and if, they'll cheer!
A loud cheer, the elf died a martyr,
hazy was the code for all is well.
Prepare, be sure to roast her starter.
Party for the Queen, new King as well!
The party great, the Queen loads to tell,
thanked all, for her fave fresh starter, deer.
King his story, "twas in love I fell"!
Good news they await, and if, they'll cheer!
Through their settlement no silent bell,
across their land, each bell rang clear!
On this story, many fairies dwell.
Good news they await, and if, they'll cheer!