The Faith of a Crumbeling World (2) "recession Over Oppression"
You know Mr. & Mrs. reader of ethical and non-essential concerns of dismay. Sometimes
along life's journey, there's a crossroad we all will face. "A crossraad along the way", whether
you choose the wrong way or the wrong road. You're only halfway in your posesstion if you
decide that the road is the only way. "Recesstion over Oppression", being the second part in
my series, this poem is my own opinionated thoughts as I've travel amongst a discontented
journey of crossroads, non-essential along the way. "Recession over Oppression", to every
man, women, boy and girl are we all headed for that ultiment question, "The Faith of a crum-
beling World". Quite sure you've surrounded yourself from the snare's of the world, so you
may not have come across many if any crossroads, like how deep is your faith and is what
you are believing GOD to be! is it in direct allignment of the Higher Power you can not see?
You and me, Well-Well you see I cann't term to grip the ethic's of racial acrimonious of the bl-
ind-eye's that claim to see. You may see differently remember (this is only poetry) so don't
come too the crossroad and still be blindsighted by the oppress of demorcracy.
There's going to War's and rumers of war's, there's going to be people who cann't see the
lord in no skin color but white. Some even say he's black and then there are those that say
he's not the lion of transquility. Recession has brough about high unemployment rate, men
have fallen in love with themselve's moreso now then-then ever before, the bible speaks of
this and a crumbeling world of hater's has no answer, for the men's the womens or the
young boy's nor answer's to our young girl's. I truly believe this beautifull creator establish
it that way so when crossroads and faithful decision's overtake you. He so love the world that
he allow his only begotten Son to come into the World just to die for the Sin's of the world to
defeat the enemy (Death) too reestablish true believer's of trust, not skin-color Faith but ev-
erlasting abundantly Power like that of a million Pearl's. For every Women, Man, Boy or girl.
when facing crossroads; (Remember) "The Faith of a Crumbeling World".