The Fall of Billys Desire
Won’t you all gather ‘round They’d been going steady
To hear the latest news, For quite some time,
In this small country town When Billy caused Sue
The love of Billy’s and Sue’s. To feel worth a dime.
You see, it happened this way.
A young girl moved in She was young, blonde and giddy
Next door to Billy, Perfect in every way,
He meant not to sin She was naturally pretty
But, she sent him silly. Sent Billy astray.
You see, it happened this way.
News of her arrival He meant not to hurt
Spread like fire, His beloved Sue,
Then came the fall, But he fell for the flirt,
Of Billy’s desire. And left his love true.
You see, it happened this way.
Perplexed and in shock She pulled the trigger
Young Sue held a gun, And her body was found,
She ran to The Rock, Without much vigor,
At the set of the sun. Laid flat on the ground.
You see, it happened this way.
When young Billy heard The next day he died
Of the death of his Sue, With tears in his eyes,
His lonely heart stirred, He’d cried, cried and cried,
And it broke in two. For all that love buys.
It can happen to you
Don’t be a fool,
Stay with your love true,
Don’t break love’s rules.