The Fallen Prince - Part 2
Part 2.....
He cried and cried, into the night, regrets were his companions,
Until he heard the sound of hooves ,rumbling through the canyon.
Through tear-filled eyes, he saw a herd, of royal beauty stallions,
And perched upon ,their royal backs ,were knights in white so gallant.
Carefully ,they scooped him up ,and carried him away,
Into the East ,they rode from hell, for three long nights and days.
When long at last, with horses spent ,they reached their destination,
They placed him in the hands of God ,for this was His creation.
Great warmth began to fill his heart ,and light shone from his eyes,
He felt the gentle hand of God, and he began to cry.
Such happiness. he had never known. it lifted him so high,
He spread his wings, up to the sky ,and he began to fly.
Up to the sky, on mended wings, with angels all around him,
He heard the voice of God ring out, and totally surround him.
"I've done my part ,my fallen prince ,but the rest is up to you,
Fly straight and true, and don't look back ,no matter what you do.
Lead not thee to temptation son .for if you do, you'll die,
Fly straight and true, my fallen prince, or forever, cease to fly".
Will the prince ,journey home again ,to his fair and lovely maiden?
Or, will temptation ,lead him back, to the evil Black Knight Satan?