The Family Business
Written by Gail R. DeBole
on February 5, 2021
Cupid was tired of being alone.
Of being the one who found others their own
One and true love year-after-year.
He wanted his own love.
A love who was dear.
He looked in the mirror only to see
A babe in a diaper. He wanted to flee
Casting away the arrow and bow
Wanting to be able to grow.
He wanted to live as a man with a wife
With children and live his own grown-up life.
No flying around, but having clothes to wear.
He wanted his own life. It wasn’t fair.
One day Cupid found a lamp with a genie inside
And made one wish that could not be denied.
As the genie gently floated above
Cupid wished for his very own one-and-true love.
So now Cupid lives in a house.
He has three children and a loving spouse.
But once a year he still flies around
And brings people together in his own small town.
And his son, Cupid Junior, flies by his side.
Learning the family business that must never die.
Cupid wears a red suit with a heart on his sleeve.
His son wears a diaper and flies with the breeze.