Love Poem: The Fathers Handiwork
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Written by: Maureen Lefanue

The Fathers Handiwork

The Father’s Handiwork The Christian truly appreciates The Father’s handiwork of nature; Perceives His love in every twinkling star; Every beautiful, still lake a picture. He sees His love in every flower bud, Shrub and each variety of tree. Gives thanks with adoration For each mountain, river and sea. God speaks to us in His word, But His nature speaks as well. A continuous love story Each creation to man does tell. So often in his hussle and bussle, Man glazes over God’s love; Fails to see his many blessings Flowing from God’s throne room above. Man is often perplexed By the number of his cares. He stresses over little things; Feels the whole world he bears. But this is truly not the case; The Father watches over us all. His handiwork’s so complex From the ant hill to mountains tall. The Father’s Handiwork of nature Is so intricate in its design, Only God can create such order Amongst His creatures at one time. Every bird that sweetly sings And every bee that visits His flowers, Has the Father’s creative design connection That belongs to God, not ours! Copyright © Maureen LeFanue 2012