The Father's Son
He wasn't loved by everyone
But He was Love
The Father's
He bore our sorrows
Wears the scars
When He died
For all of ours
:::::::::::::::::::::::::Then to the Father :;: ::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::Said the Son::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::"Forgive them,::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::These things they've done." ::::::::::::::::
Sometime we carry
Wounds & Scars
The battles rage on
This earth of ours.
When bitter battles
Rage about
Sometimes the pain
Can cause us doubt
A doubt....a wound
Upon our hearts
Confusion, sorrows
Painful darts
He carries these as well
My friends
Holding them in nail
Scarred Hands
In this world,
But He overcame
Bringing salvation
Darts are flying
And pain is
Upon the old and
Very young
This world is full of
So much danger
But from his birth
Laid in a manger
He lived a life
He died a death
He was raised up
Giver of breath
He paid the cost
To pay the debt
And save the lost
And loves us yet
He isn't loved
By everyone
But He is Love
The Father