The Fear Inside
What is it that makes me shy away from the word love
What is it that makes me tremble at feelings so raw
What is it that make me fear your touch
What is it that makes me want to shut my eyes every time you look at me
What is it this fear of closeness
What are these walls that have built a sanctuary around my heart
What is it this door that remains closed when you want to know me
What is the reason that I cannot place my hand in yours
What is it that makes me want to run when you hold me in your hands
Why is it that I cannot lay down with you in silence
Why when you draw me near I want to run in the other direction
Why is it that when you want to know my soul I cover it with so many planks
Why is it when you tell me how you feel I look away
Why is it when you give me your love I do not or cannot accept it
Why is is when you give me a hug I just want to cry
Why is it when I see you getting close
When you tell me you love me
When you take my hand
When you look into my soul
I want to run away ,this fear so deep
Of letting you near
Of letting you in
Of opening up to you
I want to hide
Why is it ?