The Fear Mongers Have a Field Day
Fear had all but a few intrepid explorers in its icy grasp,
And even they not resisting the right of fear to,
Lord it over the land.
Things looked bleak indeed for the human race,
With all means of advertising at fear's beck and call,
Social media spreading fear faster than the plague.
Journalists no longer free to print without fear.
Real estate agents fearing lost sales,
Police and the courts in constant dis-pear,
With all the rest fearing to get out of bed in the morning
And fearing to go to bed at night.
All seemed lost,
With none prepared to go down the road of hope,
Love struggling to detect a steady heartbeat.
Then the unthinkable happened,
With no new people to frighten fear became bored,
And decided to have a field day.
With all communication under fear's control,
No one should have missed an invite.
Yet not a soul turned up on the day.
The women stayed away for fear of germs,
The men afraid to miss the sports play of the day,
The children afraid they might have to walk across the field.
Despite what you may read in your history book,
This was the true catalyst that turned the tide on fear,
And tore them free of its icy grasp,
So, they could become the force they are in the universe today.
When none turned up to the field day of fear,
The fear merchants with nothing to peddle on the day,
Went bankrupt,
The advertisers afraid of being sued slipped back into the ground,
Social media became social once more,
Journalists no longer resided in the gutter,
The real estate agents could not sell the field at any price.
And had to adjust their lifestyle,
The police and courts went back to serve the people,
Who now had a germ of an idea that fear could be conquered,
It was safe to walk across the field,
And watching the play of the day in real time was more fun.
As for fear,
It is still about,
And enjoying the healthy respect,
It is due,
Which is heart warming indeed for the future of the Human race,