The fire crackled and spat out embers that gleamed brightly in the hearth. Yet unattended they soon died away to become dull grey ash particles. Just like a fire need laying and tending so too does love to help it strongly flourish. Careful layering of dry tinder and a few wisps of newspaper tightly curled. Twigs and small branches added next then a flame is held out until it ignites. Take care to nourish your love and show them sweet tenderness. Gentle fanning growing more vigorous as all starts to catch with a happy roar. Feed it well and soak up its heat and watch as shadows flicker on walls. Bank it up well so it slowly smoulders throughout the night. Fan the embers and watch the flames slowly revive just like love does when cared for. Bask together in its glow as it consumes and flourishes. Filling you with love eternal as you grow old together.