The Fire Inside
I feel this blazing fire inside,
I’m feared and unable to run and hide-
My sight grew dim and completely gray,
for the love in my heart has died,
and I’ve been hot on this cold Winter day.
There is an empty pit full of a flame,
but I only have myself to blame-
When the fever rushes I rant and rave,
full of insecurity and shame,
for it is my essence I couldn’t save.
It’s the kind of heat that makes you shiver,
so intense your soul can’t stop the quiver-
When the chilled breeze comes I cry,
for it only stings like a wooden sliver,
I have to stop and ask myself why.
Maybe the fire reminds me of you,
all the red-hot things you put me through-
Or could it be it brings relief?
Oh, what’s a pitiful woman to do…
when she’s lost all hope and belief.
Kindled embers have come to stay,
they spark the sadness brought today-
When you come around there’s no condition,
and I can never find a decent way,
to stop my heart from this ignition.
Stimulated burning, my pale skin sears,
I think of the love held for all those years-
Scorching and baking, my body cooks,
and I start to drown in salty tears,
up in flames goes my journal books.
Wounds and scars from all the inflammation,
I’m so ungrateful for your creation-
Agonizing over the loss of affection,
as this fire brings a fervent sensation,
torrid is out intense broken connection.
I feel this blazing fire inside,
and in the pit of hell I must confide-
Oh, if only I could drown in a reverie,
this heat would diminish, I’d be satisfied…
but this love I’ve lost has left me fiery.
The Fore Inside Contest
November 12, 2017