The First Love
Well we started going out not long ago,
Out of know where she called me and said we just aren't going to flow.
I said but you mean the world to me,
I didn't do nothing to you ya see,
I just love you with all of my heart,
I didn't think we would ever fall apart.
I really wanted you,
I really needed you,
I thought as long as we live,
We would never fall apart from what I had to give.
But life happens in many ways,
There isn't really much you can say,
But it is just a matter of time,
Things happen they get back entwined.
First love never has an end,
I thought to myself,
But then I started to grin,
I was thinking,
I know for sure she would want me again.
So I called her up 3 days after,
Her boyfriend answered the phone,
and busted out in laughter,
I said look here,
Just calling for another chance,
Things happen sometimes,
That doesn't make much since.
He handed her the phone,
I asked her my second chance,
She said in a sweet tone,
Baby I am glad your not gone,
You mean this world to me too,
Without you,
Don't know what I would do.
I'm glad you asked me back,
I was going to ask you,
But thought you would just laugh.
Now that this has happened,
I will never let it again,
Because baby First Love,
Will never have an end!