The First Time
When I feel your kisses soft upon my neck
Your heart next to mine pounding with desire
Your hand softly caressing my skin
I feel a fire rage within me
Passionate energy floods my soul
Emotions fill my mind
The pain that lives inside me begins to fade
Suddenly fear steps in
Scared to get too close I shiver
Afraid I will get lost in your arms I sigh
I close my eyes and try to forget all of the hurt that has come to pass
I pour my soul out to you praying you will keep my secrets safe
Hoping that you will still want me
Knowing that I risk losing everything
Trusting you with my life and the love that I have to offer
Offering everything to you
Allowing myself to be free, uninhibited
Hoping you will give the same to me
Begging you to love all of me not just this surface me
My fire is blazing out of control
Giving in to the wanting desire that burns throughout me
Holding fast to the belief that we are to be one in mind, body, and spirit
Believing in forever