Wait till the first night they have always said Defile not the bed they have always said More than it was predicted it was Painfully joyful and memorable without any pause it was It was a fun never experienced, which made it unexpected None of the adventures was unwanted It felt like there should be no tomorrow Especially when he introduced the style of wheelbarrow I could not catch my breathe For his grips were so tender on my breast I have always thought it would be easy Until he reached for my pussy Don't blame me for being too raw The experience was sweeter than war It could make one forget and violate the law The strokes were captivating The touches were breath taking The seldom kisses were mind blowing The twosome was awesome Wondering what it would be like if it was threesome I have never experienced sixty nine Till he took me to as high as cloud nine I don't want to keep describing In order not to get some innocents horny and imagining I only want to say...wait for the night as they have always said Defile not the bed as they have always said Just so you can have a blast in your first time like mine ABSOL