The First Time Ever I Fell In Love
The first time ever I fell in love
It was with a people
The people were my people
Living in a country that was my home
I'd never known who I was
Why I was, where I was from
I thought I was a head with a body
I never knew I had a soul
That day, the plane was about to land
When this people, this incedible people
Burst out in song -- 'Hatikvah,' The Hope!
The Hope of my people for 2,000 years
Jerusalem, the Temple, the Weeping Wall
Yes, a wall that weeps for her people
A people that weeps for her Holy Wall
Remnant of past glory, beacon of our future
The first time ever I fell in Love
It was with a People
My Jewish People, One Nation, One Heart
Living in a Holy Land from the very start
Note: Employing poetic license, I have called
Jerusalem's 'Wailing Wall' the 'Weeping Wall.'
It is an actual remnant of the Holy Temple
first rebuilt by King Solomon and then rebuilt
upon Israel's return from the Babylonian exile
about 2,500 years ago.