Love Poem: The First Whisper of Spring
Black Matta Avatar
Written by: Black Matta

The First Whisper of Spring

She drew near unto me
And whispered in my ear
Her words, like melodies
Coursing through my veins
"We will meet tomorrow"
Then, she disappeared behind the clouds


I prepared myself well
I bought her a bouquet of roses
Not more delicate than her
Both were ravishing though!


At five sharp, we were there
She didn't come before me
And I didn't come after her
We have never been late!


Together on the bench
Two cups of Mocha
Two smiling faces
But lonely lovers were awaiting
Watching our flying hearts
And wondering,
"When will our turn come?" 


I felt sorry for them
Perhaps they were unlucky
Perhaps they lost their love
Again, she whispered in my ear
"They will smile, and much"
