The Fisherman's Tale
The sun bid farewell to the cold dusk sky,
Fog drew its curtains around the village,
My boat came closer, I let out a sigh.
She was there smiling, waiting on the dock,
I glanced at the empty net, then at her,
In my thoughts, I heard the bell of the clock.
Her smile lifted my heavy weight of guilt,
I held her hand as my feet touched the dock,
She handed my lunch, revived my heart's wilt.
It was a sandwich, a lettuce on top,
A tomato below, not a king's meal,
But no less sweeter than god's golden crop.
We walked in embrace under the full moon,
The bridge, now bathed in the lamp's golden light,
I prayed in heart, let the night not end soon.
Sponsor - Eve Roper
Contest Name - Put Yourself In Their Shoes
Date - 24/09/2023