The Forgotten
The Forgotten
By Spidey Williams
Question: Do I Exist To You?
Hello my name is…..
Well that’s irrelevant to how I feel.
What’s important, I am real.
You gave me a name, before I was forced into reality.
Yet you yourself could not co-exist with me.
I’m told I have your physical characteristics and your personality.
Yet before I was born, no one cared about me.
All they were concerned about was the “situation”.
I guess I was a victim of circumstances.
I guess I never had a chance!
Like father like son.
Like mother like daughter.
Like daughter like father, like son like mother.
When do the cycle end, or should I ask why did it begin?
It hurts to know I could’ve been remembered,
If everyone, didn’t try so hard to forget me.
They told me no hard feelings; because it’s not my fault no one loves me.
Then who fault is it father?
Why was I not remembered?
Or did you too forget I was your blood?
Now I question was I ever loved?