Love Poem: The Forgotten Jesus
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

The Forgotten Jesus

All the beauty of decorations point to a folly reason, 
and everywhere our curious and astonished eyes turn this  season:
is about commercial profit and insane shopping sprees...
no, nobody seems aware of the glory of the forgotten Jesus!

If money squandering weren't on anybody's mind,
we would have less worries and sleep soundly as a child;
ever wonder if the Devil had something to do with this?
Believe it, He is the cause of unrest and unhappiness!

We can still redeem ourselves by washing our souls of greed;
imagine how sad and inhuman is to watch the forgotten Jesus
with no visitors rushing to the stable to proclaim Him a King who'll lead:
let's all greet Him and and really value the true meaning of Christmas!

All children may be disappointed about this, sudden drastic change...
getting neither expensive toys nor stuffed stockings on Christmas Eve;
and they may cry...believing that we are the Scrooges of a modern age,
but once they come to visit the forgotten Jesus, they could never leave!