Love Poem: The Full Catastrophe
Odin Roark Avatar
Written by: Odin Roark

The Full Catastrophe

The Full Catastrophe!
               by Odin Roark

For most
Life rambles on
Making the journey
On low pressure tires
Taking the curves slowly
Approaching stop signs with a
Rolling stop

Along the way
We get test rides
You know
The power engine-euphemisms
A corporate muscle-flex
A mating desperation in the night
Perhaps even a self-loathing needle prick

How sublime the fortunate

Those understanding
To not want to suffer
Is to unknowingly embrace why they suffer

To know the law of duality
Is akin to understanding 
A glass is neither half full nor half empty
When dumped on the floor

Perception dictates

Below ones eyes
Spreading outward is merely water
A conundrum unsolvable
While judging the glass
Half “full” or half “empty” 

Might it be

If we look into the eye of life’s storm
And embrace it all
We’ll see as Zorba
“Life is trouble.  Only death is not.
To be alive is to undo your belt
And look for trouble.”

And then
For many

The Zorba life holds true
“Am I not a man?  And is a man not stupid?  
I’m a man, so I married.
The full catastrophe”

All with a glorious smile and unforgettable dance