The Game We Play Is Love
This game we play is love,
Each move a ploy,
To tangle and ensnare,
The mirror in the air.
Who we want,
Is the one we aren’t,
Knowing no shame,
We call the other name,
Flowers and pretty things,
Magic words to enflame,
Hearts to trust,
To beat as one and lust,
To forget how woeful,
It is to be lonely,
Only the deception,
Seen in the eyes at the reception,
Reveal the folly of it all,
For this too will fall,
The obvious traps of math,
When sharing a path.
For two is one,
When having fun,
But an infinite mess
When the stars shine less.
Though merry it seems,
It never redeems,
The pathology of life,
Whose only remedy is death.