Love Poem: The Garden Seat
Gary Radice Avatar
Written by: Gary Radice

The Garden Seat


just like their love of fifty years
that they held very dear
the lilies and the irises
looked radiant that year.

they had no need to prove their love
just a knowing glance instead
and a gentle squeeze when holding hands
beside their flower bed.

when both felt tired from bending down
and working in the heat
they spoke of seeds and bulbs and things
drinking tea upon the seat.

having rid the soil of all the weeds
he hoed and raked the earth.
the yellow line of daffodils
spoke more than words were worth.

and when their lawn was cloaked in leaves
from the sycamore above
they cursed and sighed just being themselves
in the autumn of their love.


and as he sat there mourning
the passing of his wife
he looked upon the garden as


of her life.