The Generations
The time has come to step aside.
It’s been a very lovely ride.
I trained my darling daughter well.
It’s she who rings the dinner bell
on holidays and lets me rest.
She aces each and every test.
Proving herself every bit as able
as I to set Thanksgiving table,
she feeds her twenty-two hungry guests
without a sign of being stressed.
So I feel needed, I surmise,
she allowed me to make the pies.
She never loses her sweet smile.
For each grandchild she stops awhile
to hug, to listen and to praise
as I did in the olden days.
Daughter, mother and grandmother,
she’s as good at one role as the other.
The day will come I know it’s true
when she will give soup ladle to
her own sweet daughter next in line.
She’ll step aside this child of mine,
to sit and rest and watch her daughter
do as her loving mother taught her.
I watch her now with love and pride
this woman whom I helped to guide
to the super mother she became.
Her daughters now are in the game.
They’re teaching the new generation
to be the next great mom sensation.
And so it has been through the years,
moms giving love and shedding tears,
each passing on her mothering lore
learned from mothers who came before.