The Gift
I have heard the evening sounds
That make the night a symphony;
Frogs and crickets, whistled trains,
And whispers of infinity.
A teardrop glistens on my cheek,
Mere hormones some may figure.
Knowing not from where my histories peek,
Or loves I’ve known and lost that it may trigger.
We hook our hearts on borrowed time
Toward winter’s frosty grip
Sing songs of summer youth before
Our child-time might slip - so sure away
Each framed or famous day
I will not say goodbye when you're away,
For in my life, the beating of my heart
Is proof you stay.
I have run with you on golden beaches,
Walked to nighttime’s furtherest reaches,
Gave my soul and left my soul alone.
All this for lifetimes lived and tender mercies shown.
For in the end, love is all there is;
It's the only gift we give away;
And yet, forever own.
This Human Heart so small
It cannot near contain
Such Love as words cannot describe
Nor Eyes explain.