THE GIFT OF FRIENDSHIP Friendship is one of God’s greatest gifts to us, to which no earthly wealth can compare The ability to give and receive love between friends is one of the blessings we get to share We are told the giving of ourselves for the good of someone else is love put into action Putting the interests of someone else ahead of ours is what brings real joy and satisfaction. Christian friendship goes far deeper then just the surface and transcends any earthly bond Friendship founded in Jesus will not end in this life but will continue into the life beyond Jesus said we are to follow His example and be willing to lay down our lives for our friends He said there is no greater love between friends then to give and sacrifice without any ends. A friend is someone who will always seek to encourage you and speak grace into your ear They will never tear you down with words because they know that will fill you with fear Knowing you are accepted and loved by someone is one of the greatest joys we can feel Giving the same acceptance and love back to someone is what makes friendship so real. A friend will always tell you the truth even when they know what they will say will sting They always want what is best for you hoping their words will a change for the better bring They are always there when you need them to offer words of support and encouragement They will always help you to see that there is hope even when life is at its darkest moment. A friend is someone who will always be there to dry your tears during moments of sorrow They will always be there to rejoice with you and celebrate the hope of a better tomorrow A friend is someone who will always love you and be there in your time of deepest need They will walk by your side to see you though anything because they truly love you indeed.