The Gigolo
They wanted me to do this - 'Do you mind if I watch?'
I said: 'No' - as a seasoned pro, it was nothing,
someone said to me: 'How can you make love
when you don't love them?' That was my job.
Of course, it may not be a thing of beauty,
supposing that I didn't satisfy them, rarely,
if so, I still had to be paid for the haircut,
mission accomplished, did my best - that was my job.
'Aren't you ashamed of all the things you do?
Do you satisfy yourself as well or hold off?
I did what I had to do - there was no guarantee,
to the best of my ability - that was my job.
'What about your own love life?' 'That's different -
he doesn't expect the same service, when I come home.'