Love Poem: The Girl From The Saloon Down The Road

The Girl From The Saloon Down The Road

Growing up in Zimbabwe
I always thought l was cursed
Everyone had seen an angel in someone
And l didn't, until l took that gaze upon a
Light skinned beauty.

Okay, the girl from the saloon down the road
I'm Atipaishe, probably you haven't heard that name
I know, it's not formal but I think it counts
As an introduction 
For me not to know your name, l take the blame
I remember correctly, l saw you on the 12th of July
At 12.57 pm, l never thought l would write this poem

So, ever since that day, spent so much time
Thinking how l was going to be man enough to say "Hi"
So l marked my calendar on the 24th so that I could come, l came and said Hi then went back home
I didn't even hear you reply, my heart was already
Celebrating, You did it man!!
I went back home was a happy fellow
That moment replayed in my mind the whole damn time.
I was happy that lm normal
That at least I've seen an angel in someone like everyone does.

It's crazy that I still don't know your name
I made up names for you like Cookie, Channel
They're so many.
They start with "C" so that maybe l gained confidence 
I did it all because l was too shy to ask
I'm sorry but l swear lm not a stalker
Everything is weird for the first timers
It's my first time having to interact with angels
I'm clumsy 
Please forgive me.

I said lm not a stalker, 
I just pass by your saloon at least 7 times a day
I will be hoping, l see you smiling
When l get bored in my room with Tom and Jerry
I come and pass by so that l get happy again
I get happy, go home and think about you still
I pray you recognize me when l finally get the guts
I hope our skin tones blend when we take pictures
I want us to have 23 children so that you be occupied and leave the saloon
Most importantly I want you to say that you like my hair style and you wish to maintain it
I wanna hear you say "l think l like you too"