It seems so long that I must look Among most girls, their attraction lures But with this sight my angst does unhook And my eyes do end their tours The unpolished cover of your book To suddenly turn judgment yours As it is with great surprise Be my expectations tragic The cover had deceived my eyes For these pages are but magic Alas to Hogwarts I do not go And to you I am a stranger So shall I choose a book I know? For your wonders surpass Hermione Granger So to Panem I must take flight As my envy does glow green And in the Hunger Games shall I fight For with a fire you tend to glean I mere Peeta to thy sight And you Ms. Everdeen And though I not think it right To compare the’ to what I hate But for you I mention slight, the book, Twilight Within its pages my affection’s fate, for with Jacob they relate And so for you my Bella Swan That I must assume a friend And like Edward seek my presence gone Loving you until the end. Set down your book I do so wary And reference now a great ballet For in my arms I long to carry And with great poise dance away Me, a nutcracker prince, and you my sugar plum fairy.