The Girl I Love
The Girl I Love
Nearly thirty seven years of marriage bliss.
To think it all started with just one kiss.
The time has gone so quickly by.
Our love has climbed to the top so high.
I cannot picture you not being here.
To share my life you are my dear.
We’ve had bad days that made us strong.
We’ve learned to apologize when we do wrong.
No one thought it would last a year.
But I knew what I wanted and that was to have you near.
Four kids ago now are grown by far.
Now it’s the grandkids that rob our cookie jar.
God’s been good to say the least.
It’s good when they come to visit to dine and feast.
She’s my sugar and my spice, the one I call my darling wife.
I thank you Lord for putting her in my life.
I truly love her more than words can ever say.
And the love keeps growing each day by day.
She is my very own lucky charm.
You sheltered me through many storms.
She is the crutch that holds me up.
And her love overflows her loving cup.
Till death do we forever part.
You’re that little girl that stole my heart.