The Girl of My Dreams
I've lost my best friend, I'll never see her again
Its all my fault, I'm just a monster in thee end
She was my first love, my beautiful gift from heaven above
my beautiful princess, my beautiful queen
you will always be the girl of my dreams
I've lost her forever, she never coming back
its not a lie, its a fact
I drove her away, by trying to make her stay
always saying goodbye, is what made her cry
now that i lost her, i just want to die
I wish you could understand, my suffering and pain
but its not your fault, I'm the one to blame
I just wish I could hold you in my arms, and feel your warm in embrace
and see your beautiful smile, and your beautiful face
Every time i see you, you made my heart race
I wish I could have loved you, for many more years to come
instead i drove you farther and farther away, even before i got that chance to dance with you
on your birthday, and now that futures is taken away
I tried so hard to keep us together, while you were gone
trying to make you a beautiful love song, but in thee end i did it all wrong
now its just a song of death, as i sing from my cold heart and dying breath
my sweetie, my love, my sweet heart, I know I've did you wrong
I have no right to have loved you this long
in the beginning I had nothing, no future, no reason to be alive and all I wanted was to die
I was so hollow, so cold, so dead inside
then i met you and you made me feel alive
Everyday I got to talk to you, were the best days of my life
You made feel special and wanted when no one else did
I'm so stupid for all the things i did
all i ever wanted was for you to be happy and loved
something a monster like me can never know of
I know it my fault you don't come around
so I'm leaving, you won't have to see me anymore
i hope you find what your looking for
someone who is better then me, that will always make you happy
now I'm going back to being alone, for the darkness is my true home
now I'm ready to close my eyes and see the wonderful things i wish i could of when i was alive
and now its time this story in my life comes to the final chapter, for this is it my love,
this is how my story ends
*Thee End*